When the skies are gloomy and gray (and dark by the time you get out of work), the wind chills you to the bone when you step outside, and there’s a coating of snow on the ground, going to the gym is probably the last thing you want to do.The only thing that keeps you going is the reminder that you’re paying a lot of money for your membership, and if you don’t go you’re basically just throwing that money away. Even then, it’s a struggle. You count yourself lucky if you make it to the gym at least once per week.
I live in Florida, so I don’t really have this problem, but I realize it’s an issue for a lot of people. Four out of five gym memberships in America go unused, and for those that do put their memberships to use, only about half visit the gym on a regular basis of 100 times or more per year. If you’re worried your gym membership isn’t getting enough use this winter and you feel yourself letting fitness fall to the wayside while you go into hibernation mode for the season, then consider a home workout routine. All it takes is some basic equipment and a little motivation to keep active throughout the winter months. Follow these tips, suggested by active.com, for making the most of you at-home workout and by the time spring rolls around, you’ll be feeling great! Maybe then you’ll want to renew your gym membership, or maybe you won’t even need to! It’s so simple to implement fitness into your everyday routine if you’re really serious about it.
- Try a workout video: There are so many great free workout videos available on YouTube, that you don’t even need to purchase a fitness DVD! Yoga is one of simplest exercises you can do from home because all it requires is a yoga mat and yourself. Check out the SaraBethYoga channel for a variety of yoga sequences ranging from beginner-level to more advanced and from 3 to 30 minutes, so her workouts are designed for all levels and schedules! For a great full-body workout, check out this 7-minute workout video, and if you’re into aerobics (think classic 80s workout routine complete with leg warmers and leotards ), then check out this fun routine: Pump It Up: The Ultimate Dance Workout 2004. It really isn’t hard to fit in some fitness when you have so many great workout routines at your disposal, and if you want to take it up a notch, try an interval workout where you mix resistance training with cardio.
- Use your own equipment: If you have a jump rope, a hula hoop, weights, a stability ball, or any kind of equipment, then you have a sufficient home gym! Hop on the treadmill or elliptical for 20 minutes, followed by a few minutes jumping rope or lifting weights, and that’s a great workout! There are some great workout tools out there, such as the Empower Kettlebell or a Simply Fit board that make it a breeze to get in shape from the convenience of home.
- Make the most of your tv time: If you really don’t want to miss your favorite tv shows, but you’re crunched for time, get out of the lounge chair for a bit and take your workout in front of the tv! Use some of those pieces of equipment mentioned above and it won’t even feel like you’re working out.
- Take the stairs: If you have stairs in your home or work building, then you have an easy workout routine! Simply take the stairs every day at work instead of the elevator, or run up and down the stairs in your house a few times, and you’ll start to notice results.
- Dance: Here’s one you probably didn’t even think about. Dancing is not only a fun thing you do in front of the mirror when no one’s looking or during a night on the town with your friends. It’s also a great way to burn some calories! Blast the music to a few of your favorite songs and just freestyle it, and before you know it, you’ve accomplished your daily workout.
- Go on a winter run: No, I’m not kidding and I’m not crazy! Even if it’s cold out and there’s snow on the ground, there’s no reason you can’t go for a quick run. Ice doesn’t usually form on the grass, so try running across a snow-covered field and take in the tranquility of your surroundings. Additionally, running in the cold burns slightly more calories than in warmer weather as your metabolic rate rises to warm your body.